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SingleCut Alex Biere Du Soleil

November 18, 2013

You’d think that given their relative proximity and my enjoyment of them, I’d have actually gone to visit SingleCut Beersmiths by now. However, while they’re close as the crow flies, by the quirks of New York City public transit, they’re actually a good distance from me. Since I’m ultimately pretty lazy, I just wait for their delicious beers to come to me, and am always happy when they do.

The Alex Biere Du Soleil (what is it with SingleCut and long names?) pours a cloudy gold color and is topped by a shockingly white head. The nose has a sharp pear scent that punches into your nose with a bright sweetness, and mixes wonderfully with a distinct sourdough scent. The beer itself is relatively smooth and light in body, making for something that is relatively easy to drink.

To my surprise, the beer doesn’t taste much like it smells. A strong citrus flavor forms the core of the beer’s flavor, and everything else neatly accompanies this sweet and tangy sensibility. Zesty hops and coriander provide a nice spice and flavor that cuts very neatly through the tartness of the citrus. Meanwhile, hints of bready malt keep everything mellow. Finally, the beer comes to a close with a sweet Belgian finish, with a sugary profile that melts perfectly into the citrus sweetness.

As always, this is a fantastic brew with an amazing scent. I highly suggest this or any other SingleCut beer you can get a hold of.

From → Beer

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